Monday, January 26, 2009


Every once in a while, my job becomes really easy. Someone steps in front of my lens who dominates the frame. Kevin "Artist" Chambers is one of those people.

After last weekend's Strobist meet, Mark and I just weren't ready to stop shooting. During dinner at RiRa's, we concocted a plan to shoot some more, despite the foot of snow and forecast for more. (Doug: "I don't remember this street having a median." Mark: "It doesn't, that's all snow.")

Fast forward 90 minutes and we're unloading Mark's truck at the back entrance to a local college's theatre, trying our best to be inconspicuous. After a few minutes of setup and at least a half dozen phone calls (I mean, it's not like we were going to shoot each other), Artist walked into the room.

Some nicknames just fit. Too Tall, The Bus, Magic. Artist. At first I was a bit skeptical, to be honest, "What's his name?" "Artist." "No, his real name." "Well, it's Kevin, but just call him Artist." Well, Artist just fits.

Like Magic, who made his teammates better but just being on the floor with him, Artist made me better just by stepping in front of my lens. I can honestly say that I've never had such a difficult time sorting my selects post-shoot as I did with Artist. Every frame could have gone in the gallery.

The gallery. Right. Normally I'll share an entire shoot here, but only a few frames will make the cut for my site. In this case, I decided to go all out and give Mr. Artist his own gallery.

So without further adieu, I give you the Artist Series.


Anonymous said...

these are pretty amazing, douglas.


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