Saturday, January 24, 2009

Maine Strobist: Redux

Let me preface this that never before have I worked a 16-hour day and thoroughly enjoyed myself so much as I did today. I'm blogging some photos from last weekend because I finally have finished them and really wanted to share, but I spent today in a local art gallery with 12 amazing photographers at the first ever Get It Off workshop.

Check back tomorrow for a full workshop recap, but for now, I'm off to bed. Enjoy the photos from last weekend's adventure in the great white north, er, Maine.

Ye faithful blog readers might remember that back in November I trekked up to Maine for some Strobist fun.

Well last weekend, after shooting some rappers with Shyla I headed back to Maine for some more Strobist mayhem.

Mayhem you say? Well, we'll start with a top secret photographic first for me Saturday night, followed up with a foot of snow during Sunday's shoot, followed by a little late-night secret agent style mission that you'll just have to check back later this week for a full recap of. I will say that, however, that Mr. Fleming (Mark, not Ian), was up to his elbows in involvement. For those of you used to some of Marky Mark's antics, this should surprise no one.

There's a full slideshow above, but I couldn't help but pull out a few of my favorites from the day.

It's a little ironic that one of my favorite shots from the day didn't involve any strobes at all - but hey it's about light, right?

How badass is Ben? He showed up rockin' this 3-piece suit and totally owned the light. Tell me this dude couldn't be in GQ.

Lastly, I'll leave you with a black and white shot of Briana. I told her to yank me through the lens with her eyes for this one, and well, I'd say she pulled it off pretty damn well. I'm glad she understood what I meant, because sometimes, well, sometimes I don't make the most sense. This was one of those times.

Finally, special thank yous are definitely due to Paul over at Lens Pro to Go for showing up with all kinds of goodies (85mm 1.4 anyone?), and to Gary Lowell for hosting us all in the midst of a semi-blizzard.



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