Monday, October 26, 2009

New York: Staatsburg Portraits

Jess and I just got back from a weekend in Staatsburg, New York (where? Yeah, that was me last week - but it's basically south of Albany, 90 min. or so from NYC), where we got to see some of my family and shoot some photos.

Despite the fact that it rained Saturday, getting a chance to spend some real time with cousins I see once a year or so is always a good thing.

That's Zachary above, and we definitely took advantage of being stuck inside to make a few pictures.

For the next photo I just told him to sit and look at the light (I wish it was always this easy.)

A few minutes later he made the connection between the button on my Pocketwizards and the "big flash into the umbrella."

Sunday, being the ever-trusting photographer that I am, I let Zachary play with my camera a bit.

Now, this not might have been the brightest idea I've ever had...but the good news is when you're 2.5' tall, the camera doesn't exactly have far to fall (but he didn't drop it).

OK, less talking, more photos.

Zachary and James:

James' sister's two-year-old Khylor:

Sunday we even saw the sun, so we got outside for a bit before heading back to Boston.

Zachary and big sister Elizabeth:

Andrea and James:


The whole family:

For a full gallery from our New York weekend, click here.


Sarah on October 27, 2009 at 12:07 PM said...

These are gorgeous...(I think the reason I love them is because it's exactly what I aspire for when taking casual snapshots.)

And the star-shaped catchlights in the kids eyes? Love those!


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