Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Cooper Family: Portraits

Sunday I hijacked my mom's Subaru, er, braved the snow, to head up to Lincoln for some family portraits with the Coopers. Let's face it, the douglaslevy photography-mobile just wouldn't have made it through 17 inches of the white stuff.

Allie (that's her on the left in the first photo, in the chair), and I went to high school (and college) together, and though we don't get to catch often enough, I was both excited and flattered when she asked me to shoot their family portrait a few weeks ago.

Let's just say they made it well worth the trip. From Allie's famous chicken parmesan (alone worth the drive) to Sarah's "I can lay down in the snow!" moment, I had a blast. Sarah's snow photo, #11, was actually preceded by this conversation:

Sarah: I can lie down in the snow.
Doug: Yeah? Do it quick before your mom sees!

I do have to add this though - perhaps the highlight of the afternoon was listening to Brian (#'s 15 & 16) talk about Big Norm. What? You're not familiar with the World's Biggest Pig? Ol' Norm tipped the scale at 1,600 pounds before he found his way to the big sty in the sky this fall. The Cooper's go to the New York State Fair every year and Norm was a fair staple for many years before his recent

Well, I'm off to the gym before it closes early for the holiday, but thank you so much Cooper's, I had a blast! And Allie, I better see you and Steve at a baseball game this summer!

- Doug Levy - Lincoln Family Portrait Photographer -



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