Sunday, August 31, 2008

Quote of the year

What I think is interesting in this debate is that a lot of this problem is usually blamed on hobbyist photographers who are in it more for the experience or "art" and less for the money. But that's really only the case in a model such as Flickr and some publications beginning to use the free work there under creative commons licenses. With the ad world I think the problem is actually the pros who really just feel uncomfortable with the price tags that they might be delivering to clients. I remember the first time I wrote down a 5-figure number on an estimate... I was almost embarrassed as if the client would see right through me.

A company like Mercedes, though, is able to charge what they do because they've spent umpteen millions on branding their product to have the cache of premium quality. Maybe if more photographers spent a lot more on advertising, they would feel more confident with their higher (and reasonable) prices.

-John Loomis



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