What a game tonight. Scituate vs. Medfield in the boys basketball state tournament. With the game tied at 64 and 3.7 seconds left, Scituate senior Keith Fleury (#32 in top shot) stole the ball at mid-court and drove to the basket for a game-winning reverse layup.
I had been shooting from the opposite end of the court, and with 30 second left or so, had switched out my 70-200 for my 17-55 hoping to get some wide-angle reaction shots as the game ended.
I'd also taken down my strobes, as I knew mayhem was probably going to ensue and I wanted to be mobile and not having worry about my gear. When he hit the winning shot, Keith (and the rest of the team) ran right toward me. As I didn't have my flash, the shot is ISO 3200, 1/250 F/2.8.
The bottom shot is one I took before the game (during the national anthem) to get an idea of where my light coverage was. You can kind of see my lights would evenly light the key and for the most part inside the 3-point line, but beyond that, no dice. In fact, if you look at the coaches on the left, you can pretty much see exactly where the light ends. I was shooting with the strobes at 1/4 power and 28mm with 1/4 CTB to correct for the ambient.
The middle shot...the middle shot was during a 5 min. span in the third quarter when I tried to get creative (it didn't work). In this particular gym there was a lot of space behind the benches before the stands started (I'm talking like 25 feet, weird, I know). But the important thing to note here is, I had my "standard" shots in the bag from the first half and wanted to see what I could get that would be different before the game's final minutes. It didn't work. You win some you lose some.
Off to bed now, totally worn out.
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